Download File

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This command will download a file from the url location you provide that has a file for downloading.

Download File is a Browser Command.

Download URL: Where the url for the file being downloaded should go.

Save As: Determines where the downloaded file will be downloaded to in your system folders.

The file is given a name and a location is selected through the save as dialog that appears after clicking the browse button.

The command also accepts variables and functions such as $next list item, $list item, $random list item, $previous list item, and $table cell for the folder location and the download url.

Example 1

download file(" B. Yeats Poem.txt", "C:\\Users\\UBook\\Documents\\W. B. Yeats Poem.txt")

Running the command will download the file at the url to the specified location in your folder.


Example 2: XML Files

Sometimes, you might encounter an xml file on a webpage such as an rss feed that will be difficult to scrape.

Since it is a file, download file can help bypass the scraping method and grab everything you need to a file.

download file("","C:\\Users\\Documents\\doc text.txt")

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