UI open file

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This command is a UI Command. The command creates an open file field on the UI panel tied to a specific variable. This command will create a file browsing button on the UI of your bot.

Whatever file is retrieved with the browse button will be placed wherever the corresponding variable goes.

Label: refers to the label for the open file field as it appears on the interface.

Corresponding Variable: refers to the name for the variable that will correspond to the open file field.

If you insert the variable into a type text command for a filed, your file path will go into that field.


navigate("http://ubotstudio.com/playground/simple-form", "Wait")
ui open file("Browse for your file here:", #my file)
type text(<username field>, #my file, "Standard")

Running the script after browsing for a file navigates to the webpage, sets the variable for the UI open file command, and fills the field with the file path chosen on the interface.


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