Type text

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This command is part of the Browser Command. Type text is used when you need to type text into a browser text field.

Simply drag this command into the scripting area and choose an element using one of the selector tools. (See The Selectors for more information)

Element to Type Into: Refers to the text field that is being selected for typing into.

Text to Type: The text you would like to type into the selected field.

The command also accepts variables and functions such as $next list item, $list item, $random list item, $previous list item, and $table cell under Text to Type.

Clicking the Advanced option on the command expands and reveals another option.

Key Event: Allows the control of the behavior of keys typed to a selected field.The key events are the following:

  • Standard: types text
  • Key Down: holds down a key
  • Key Up: releases a key
  • Key Press: holds and releases a key
  • Flash Plugin: for typing special characters such as @ and capital letters into troublesome flash fields.


navigate("https://www.google.com/", "Wait")
type text(<name="q">, "Apple Trees", "Standard")


Running the script navigates the browser to the selected website, wait 3 seconds and then fill the selected field with the text "Apple Trees."

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