Set List Position

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Set List Position is a Data Command. Please see the $next list item function for additional examples.

This command sets the position of a list which is used by $next list item. This command allows you to re-use a list by re-setting the position back to 0 (or any position you desire).

List: list the position is being set for.

Position: the starting position for the specified list.


navigate("", "Wait")
add list to list(%one, $scrape attribute(<href=w"*.php">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global")
navigate("", "Wait")
set list position(%one, 7)
type text(<name="q">, $next list item(%one), "Standard")

The script above sets the list position to 7. That means that the next list item function will start from list position 7 and increment from there. Running the type text command will first type the list item in list position 7, and then increment from that list position each time you run the type text command.


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