FTP Get Files

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This is an FTP Function

This function will return a list of all folders in the specified location. The FTP Get Files function can be used in any command in UBot Studio, as along as the command is in the Connect to FTP Server command.

plugin command("FTPCommands.dll", "connect to ftp server", "FTP", "ftp.mozilla.org", 21, "anonymous", "", "/pub") {
    set(#testftp, $plugin function("FTPCommands.dll", "$ftp get files", "zz"), "Global")

In the example above, the FTP Get Files function has been placed inside the Set command. The Set command is then placed inside the Connect to FTP Server command. The FTP server is a publicly accessible server.


Running the will return the names of all the files in the location specified in the FTP Get Files function.

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