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This function returns the results of executing a piece of javascript or simple mathematical equations. $Eval is a Math Function.

A javascript enabled website must be open in the main browser in order for the eval function to run.

A blank browser will return blank results.

Expression: the math or javascript expression being evaluated.

Please keep in mind that the maximum number that a 32 bit integer can be is 2,147,483,647.

For example, this calculation will result in a number that is greater than the maximum number:


The result is a negative number.

Please keep that in mind when processing calculation with the eval command.

Example 1: Math Expressions

navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/playground/simple-form", "Wait")
type text(<about me textarea>, $eval($add(4, 4)), "Standard")

Typing 4+4 into the eval function brings up a new function called the add function.

$eval($add(4, 4))


navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/playground/simple-form", "Wait")
type text(<about me textarea>, $eval($subtract(4, 4)), "Standard")

The subtract function appears when 4-5 is typed into the eval function.

$eval($subtract(4, 4))

Going back to our original script:

Running the script will fill the field with the correct answer for 4-4.


Example 2: Running Javascript

Eval can also be used to run javascript.

In this example, the function runs a piece of javascript that returns set cookies from a website and sets the cookies to a variable. The cookies are also displayed in full in an alert window.

ui text box("Website URL:", #website)
navigate(#website, "Wait")
set(#blue, $eval("document.cookie"), "Global")

Type in a url to see what cookies the set command and the alert returns.

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