Compiling in the Developer Edition

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Compiling in the Developer Edition of UBot Studio comes with many features.

The Developer edition compilation options can be accessed by clicking the Developer options tab.

The following are options for developer edition users:

  • Setting dimensions for the size of your compiled bot
  • Setting the start up mode for your bot (Normal, Maximized or Minimized)
  • Setting the colors for the menu, UI, background tab, active tab, inactive tab and mouse over tab.
  • Enabling and disabling the display of the UBot Studio branding, navigation bar, browser, and the run bar on compiled bots.
  • Setting a splash page, which is the page the browser in your bot will be on when started.
  • Setting an application icon (.ico files) for your compiled bots. (We recommend that your .ico files be less than 48 X 48 pixels)
  • Create an installer for compiled bots (Available in UBot 5.0 and above)

The sample below is a simple customized compiled script with a favicon, branding removed, added UI, and custom colors selected for the UI, tab and menu:


To purchase the Developer Edition, click here or login here to upgrade.


The Installer

The Installer Tab will appear in Developer Edition compilation windows for UBot versions 5.0 and above.


The Software details for the installer are the following:

  • Software Name: The name for your software. For example, the Software Name for UBot is UBot Studio.
  • Setup Output File: The name for the setup .exe file that will be used for the installation process. It can be as simple as Setup.exe. The output file path can be: C:\Users\Downloads\Setup.exe
  • License Agreement: This option does come with a default license agreement. You will be able to upload your own copy if you do not wish to use the default template.
  • Banner Image: The image that will appear on the banner on the installer window. This image must be in Bitmap format.

Program Files

Click the folder with the chosen software name and click Add Files to add any program files that the bot will need to run.



The Appdata folder will contain any support files the bot might need to run.

Simply select the folder with your Software name and click the Add Files button.

Go to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio\Browser\5.0.4 (Change 5.0.4 to whatever version you have running in UBot Studio) and hit CTRL - a to select all the .dll files in the folder. Click ok to add the files to your compiled bot's Appdata folder.

The files will be unpacked during the installation process and placed in the appropriate location. The installed bot will be able to run without having to download support files.


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