Find Index

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Revision as of 22:17, 28 December 2016 by LillyT (Talk | contribs)

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$Find Index is a Text Function.

The function returns the index of a piece of text with the original string.

Please see the Pad Text function for an additional example.

Original Text: The text where the text is located. Accepts variables and functions such as $next list item, $list item, $random list item, $previous list item, and $table cell.

Text to Find: The text within the Original text where the index is pulled from. Accepts variables and functions such as $next list item, $list item, $random list item, $previous list item, and $table cell.


set(#index, $find index("UBot Studio", "Studio"), "Global")

Running the script sets the variable in the set command to the index of the string under "text to find". The index of the string "Studio" in the original string "UBot Studio" is 5.


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