Browser Functions

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Revision as of 20:34, 3 December 2012 by LillyT (Talk | contribs)

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The Browser Functions provide functions that allow you to isolate elements for a more refined scraping and deal with CAPTCHAs on webpages.

List of Browser Functions

  • Solve CAPTCHA: The function will either prompt the user to type in a CAPTCHA, or send the CAPTCHA to a service to solve it
  • Page Scrape: Returns the text scraped from the correct page between two specified pieces of text
  • Scrape Attribute: Returns the value of s specified element on a selected element
  • Element Offset: If an element selected matches more than one element on a page, this allows you to return one of those elements
  • Element From Text: Converts a text representation of a selector into an actual selector
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